Bulawayo magistrate Singandu
Jele acquitted Kriel on the basis
that the prosecution had failed to
prove its case against the accused
Kriel pleaded not guilty to
contravening Section 33(1) of the
Posts and Telecommunications
Act which deals with working,
possessing or being in control of
broadcasting equipment without a
Lovemore Moyo , The Speaker of
Speaking at the National
26 September 2008
Journalistic and Media Awards
(NJAMA) the speaker said that
laws such as Access to
Information and Protection of
Privacy Act (AIPPA), Public Order
and Security Act (POSA) and
Broadcasting Services Act (BSA)
hinder freedom of expression. He
stated that the laws make it
difficult for new players in the
media industry and make it difficult
for journalists to operate. He said
parliamentarians were prepared to
ensure liberalisation of the media
in line with power sharing
agreement signed on September
15, 2008.
Davison Maruziva, editor of The
Harare magistrate , Morgan
12 November 2008
Standard, The Standard newspaper Nemadire referred the matter to
and Professor Arthur Mutambara,
the Supreme Court following
Deputy Prime Minister designate.
submissions on 22 October 2008
by defence lawyer, Beatrice
Mtetwa for the case to be referred
to a higher court , arguing that the
magistrates courts did not have
jurisdiction to hear the matter if it
was deemed that there was
contempt of court by the accused
Advocate Pansy Tlakula, the African
Commission on Human and Peoples
Rights' (ACHPR) Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of
Expression and Access to
Information in Africa

Advocate Pansy Tlakula
expressed concern with the
reports she has received on
violations of freedom of
expression and access to
information in several African
countries including Zimbabwe. In
her report to the 44th Session of
the ACHPR in Abuja, Nigeria

14 November 2008


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