Freelance journalist Frank
Chikowore and the 13 Movement
for Democratic Change (MDC)

Charged with inciting public
violence, were on 14 July 2008
removed from remand.

14 July 2008

The presiding Magistrate,
Margaret Rusinahama granted the
application for removal of remand
made by the defence lawyer, Alec
Muchadehama, on the condition
that it would not prejudice the
state in anyway.
In her ruling, Magistrate
Rusinahama concurred with the
defence ordering that the remand
be lifted as the state had not given
valuable reasons for further
remand. She asked that the State
make available other witnesses
other than Kunyongana and that if
there was any need for the
accused to appear before the
court, the state should proceed by
way of summons
Globecast Satellite

Margaret Kriel

Harare magistrate, Archie
Wochiunga acquitted Globecast
Satellite company. The magistrate
was satisfied that there was lack
of intention to commit an offence
on the part of Globecast after
going through the exhibits
tendered in court. State counsel
notified the court of the State’s
intention to appeal against the
Magistrate’s decision.

18 August 2008

Kriel was arrested in Bulawayo on 19 September 2008
allegations of practicing journalism
without proper accreditation. She
was accused of having gone
around Bulawayo with other
persons covering political rallies in
the run-up to the March 29 2008
elections without proper
accreditation pretending to be
journalists when they were not.


Select target paragraph3