Jestina Mukoko, veteran
journalist, Zimbabwe Peace
Project (ZPP) Director

Advocate Tlakula singled
Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Eritrea,
Nigeria, Ethiopia, Lesotho and
Cameroon as the offending
countries. The Special Rapporteur
was informed that in the run-up to
the 27 June 2008 presidential
elections run-off (in Zimbabwe),
numerous journalists and leading
cast members of plays perceived
as critical of the government were
allegedly harassed, arrested and
detained. Tlakula also received
reports that journalists were
convicted for offences such as
intentionally publishing falsehoods
contrary to the country's media
law. Tlakula reminded member
states that unlike other
international human rights
instruments, the African Charter
does not contain a derogation
clause. Tlakula said that States
have a perpetual obligation to
respect, promote, protect and fulfill
the right to freedom of expression
as provided under the African
Charter and the Declaration on the
Principles of Freedom of
Expression which supplements it
High Court Judge Justice Anne10 December 2008
Marie Gowora on 9 December
2008 ordered the police to search
for human rights activist and
director of the Zimbabwe Peace
Project Jestina Mukoko allegedly
abducted from her home on 3
December 2008 by armed men
who claimed to be police. The
order followed an urgent
application filed by the Zimbabwe
Lawyers for Human Rights ZLHR)
represented by prominent human
rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa.


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