24 International and Al Jazeera threatened to ban accredited
foreign bureaux or local
reporters working for foreign
news organisations accusing
them of embarking on a
propaganda assault on
Freelance photojournalist
Disappeared after taking his
13 December 2008
Shadrack Manyere
vehicle to a garage in Norton,
40 km west of Harare. The
police later visited his home
in Harare’s suburb of
Westgate a day after his
disappearance with a search
warrant and confiscated a
laptop, video camera and
tapes. His lawyers have since
filed an urgent application
seeking a High Court order
for the police to bring him to
court or conduct
investigations to establish his


Banned/Deported/ Denied work permit

Victim/concerned party



Freelance journalist Brian

The state controlled Media
and Information Commission
imposed a one year ban
against Hungwe backdated to
20 August 2007. The MIC
said it had suspended him
from the roll of journalists for
allegedly breaching Sections
90 and 79 (c) of AIPPA as
read with Section 6 of
Statutory Instrument 169 c of
MISA-Zimbabwe appointed
lawyer representing Hungwe,
Selby Hwacha, notified the
MIC that the year ban on
Hungwe was unlawful, and
gave until March 5 for the
lifting of the ban stating that
failure to do so would see

26 February 2008

Zimbabwean freelance
journalist, Brian Hungwe

3 March 2008


Select target paragraph3