Privately owned weekly,
Zimbabwe Independent

War veterans

Flata Kavinga, editor of the
The Midlands Observer.

Freelance journalists Brian
Hungwe and Frank Chikowore,
Reuters, AFP,BBC,AP, France

weekly to retract the story.
The Financial Gazette had
not done so by 29 February
Zimbabwe’s Central
Intelligence Organisation
(CIO) seeks a High court
order to bar The Independent
which was about to disclose
details relating to the
organization’s directorgeneral Happyton
Bonyongwe. In an affidavit
supplied by Bonyongwe he
said the story was ‘manifestly
and palpably malicious and
false” and therefore should
not be published.
War veterans in
Matabeleland South Province
ordered villagers in the area
to remove satellite television
receivers from their homes.
The war veterans told the
villagers that the dishes were
misleading them into voting
against Zanu PF. Most
villagers in the area can only
watch and listen to South
African and Botswana
television and radio stations
because of poor transmission
signals from the state
controlled Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation.
A liberation war veteran
named as Diva threatened
Kavinga and told him that
there was a “programme of
action” against him because
his newspaper was proopposition as it wrote articles
critical of the government.
The war veteran told him to
be careful or face the
The Permanent Secretary for
Information and Publicity
George Charamba

20 March 2008

27 May 2008

29 May 2008

15 December 2008


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