them filing an urgent court
application seeking its
Hopewell Chin’ono, local
freelance journalist

Chin’ono was denied
accreditation to cover the 29
March 2008 elections by the
Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission on the MIC’s
instruction. Media and
Information Commission
reportedly blacklisted several
journalists and advised the
Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission to bar them from
being accredited to cover the
elections. In a letter sent to
ZEC, his lawyers argued that
the ZEC was deliberately
impeding the full coverage of
the elections through
selective accreditation of

11 March 2008

Zimbabwean freelance
journalist, Brian Hungwe

High Court judge Justice
Chitakunye dismissed the
application by Brian Hungwe
seeking nullification of his
one-year ban from practicing
journalism ruling that the
urgency was “self-created.”
His lawyer, Selby Hwacha
immediately filed an appeal
with the Supreme Court
arguing that the judge had
misdirected himself and
dismissed the application
without affording Hungwe the
right to be heard.

12 March 2008

Several journalists

Several journalists were
28 October 2008
barred from covering the
SADC troika mediated talks.
Security personnel’s manning
the entrance to the premises
of the rainbow towers hotel
where the talks were being
held turned away a number of
freelance journalists who
were not accredited with the


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