Obrian Rwafa,assignment news
editor with ZBC


Mutimukulu however, professed
ignorance of what they meant
and added that he did not know
which story could have possibly
infuriated the bouncers.
Obrian Rwafa a news
assignment editor with the
state-controlled Zimbabwe
Broadcasting Corporation was
on 13 December 2008 allegedly
abducted and severely
assaulted by unknown
assailants in Harare

15 December 2008

Harassed / Threats/Kidnapped

Victim/concerned party



Regis Chingawo editor of the Chingawo and journalists at
8 February 2008
Masvingo Mirror
the weekly publication in
Masvingo were threatened by
suspected security agents
over articles published in their
edition of 8 – 14 February
2008. Two men clad in black
suits and dark glasses
stormed their newsroom on a
Saturday morning demanding
to know the sources of two
articles published by the
paper following the
announcement by former
Finance Minister Dr Simba
Makoni of his presidential
ambitions as an independent
candidate in the 29 March
2008 elections. The matter
was reported to the police in
Minister of Information and
He threatened to sue the
22 February 2008
Publicity Dr Sikhanyiso Ndlovu weekly Financial Gazette
which reported that the
minister and ruling Zanu PF
politburo member Dumiso
Dabengwa had refused to
sign President Robert
Mugabe’s presidential
nomination papers in a show
of defiance. The minister
asked the privately owned


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