South African media workers
Bernet Hassen Sono,
Resemete Boy Chauke and
Simon Maodi.

Media lawyer, Harrison

South African media workers
Bernet Hassen Sono,
Resemete Boy Chauke and

contravention of Section 33
and 41 of the Criminal Law
(Codification and Reform) Act.
Harare magistrate Doris
Shomwe dismissed his
application for removal from
remand. The magistrate cited
Article 13 subsection (2e) of
the Constitution which states
that for one to be deprived of
his personal liberty as may be
authorised by law, there
should be reasonable
suspicion of having committed
or about to commit a criminal
offence. She said reasonable
suspicion existed that an
offence was committed.
Arrested in Plumtree on 23
2 June 2006
May 2008 after being found in
possession of broadcasting
equipment belonging to Sky
News. They were convicted
on their own plea of
contravening Section 33 of the
Post and Telecommunications
Act. Magistrate John Masimba
sentenced them to 6 months
Accused of insulting the
3 June 2008
President of Zimbabwe in
contravention of Section 33
and 41 of the Criminal law
(Codification and Reform) Act.
His lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa
applied to have the matter
referred to the Supreme Court
in terms of Section 24 (2) of
the Constitution arguing that
the two sections under which
Nkomo was being charged for
contravening Section 20 (1)
which provides the right to
freedom of expression.
Magistrate remanded the
matter to 25 June 2008 for her
Convicted on their own plea
3 June 2008
and sentenced to 6 months
imprisonment after being


Select target paragraph3