Simon Maodi.

Howard Nicholas Burditt,
photographer with Reuters
news agency.

Professor Arthur Mutambara,
leader of the other formation
the opposition Movement for
Democratic Change.

Davison Maruziva, editor of
The Standard weekly.

found in possession without a
license, broadcasting
equipment belonging to Sky
News in contravention of
Section 33 of the Post and
Telecommunications Act.
Lawyers representing the
three media workers filed an
appeal against sentence at
the Bulawayo High Court
arguing that the punishment
was excessive and that a fine
would have been adequate
Convicted on his own plea of
3 June 2008
contravening Section 27 (1) of
the Broadcasting Services Act
which outlaws unauthorized
possession, establishment
and operation of signal
transmitting lines after he was
found in possession of a
satellite phone. Harare
magistrate Archie Wochionga
fined Burditt Z$20 billion and
suspended two months
imprisonment on condition he
does not commit a similar
offence in the next five years.
Charged with contempt of
3 June 2008
court and communicating
falsehoods prejudicial to the
state following an opinion
piece published in The
Standard newspaper’s edition
of 20 April 2008. The state
alleges that the article was
false and thus undermined
public confidence in the law
enforcement agents, defence
forces and prison services. He
was granted Z$20 billion bail
and ordered to report to the
Criminal Investigations
Department Law and Order
Section every Friday and to
surrender title deeds to his
Marlborough house in Harare.
Maruziva was accused of
5 June 2008
contravening Section 31 of the


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