Bennet Hasen Sono,
Resemate Chauke and Simon
Maodi employed by Sky News
and Bulawayo resident Craig
Mark Ram Edy

Bennet Hasen Sono,
Resemate Chauke and Simon
Maodi employed by Sky News
and Bulawayo resident Craig
Mark Ram Edy

Media lawyer, Harrison

falsehoods. The state alleges
that on 26 March 2006, the
three or one of them,
unlawfully and intentionally
and recklessly falsified
information that is injurious to
the reputation, rights and
freedoms of others and
published a story that George
Muvhimi and Tatenda
Munhanga were caught with
their pants down while having
sexual intercourse in a vehicle
at Mbizo Shopping Centre in
Kwekwe. The trio applied for
discharge after the State
closed its case with the
defence arguing that the State
had failed to prove its case
against them.
The three finally appeared in
29 May 2008
court in Bulawayo on charges
of contravening provisions of
the Posts and
Telecommunications Act after
being found in possession of
broadcasting equipment. The
equipment was allegedly
found at Edy house.
Remanded in custody to 30
May 2008.
Convicted on their own plea
30 May 2008
on charges contravening
section 33 of the Posts and
Telecommunications Act
which deals with possession
of broadcasting equipment
without authority. Edy was
granted Z$40 billion bail but
the state launched an appeal
and Edy remains in custody.
The three Sky News
employees were sentenced to
six months imprisonment on 2
June 2008.Somo and
Musimani were also convicted
of contravening the
Immigration Act.
Accused of insulting the
30 May 2008
President of Zimbabwe in


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