Harrison Nkomo, leading
media lawyer

Charged under Section 33 or
alternatively Section 41 of he
Criminal Law (Codification
and Reform) Act for allegedly
making an insulting statement
against the President on 2
May 2008.His lawyer Beatrice
Mtetwa applies for him to be
removed from remand arguing
that there was no reasonable
suspicion that he committed
the offence. Harare magistrate
Dorris Shomwe said she
would deliver her ruling on 30
May 2008.
Peter Godwin freelance
Arrested at the Anglican
journalist and writer.
Christ Church in Borrowdale,
Harare after being accused of
taking pictures of the graves
of his parents without the
permission of the priest in
charge Reverend Harry
Mambo Rinashe. He was
released without charges.
Bennet Hasen Sono,
Arrested in Esigodini in
Resemate Chauke and Simon Matabeleland South province
Maodi employed by Sky
and were still in custody five
days after their arrest. The
state applied for their further
detention without any charges
being preferred against them.
Sky News, BBC and CNN are
among some of the foreign
news organisations banned
from reporting in Zimbabwe.
The state applied for their
further detention without any
charges being preferred
against them. Sky News, BBC
and CNN are among some of
the foreign news
organisations banned from
reporting in Zimbabwe.
Blessed Mhlanga, James
Charged with contravening
Muonwa and Wycliff Nyarota the Supreme Court-nullified
journalists employed by the
Section 80 (1) (A) (2) of the
Network Guardian.
repressive Access to
Information and Protection of
Privacy Act (AIPPA) which
used to prohibit publication of

23 May 2008

25 May 2008

28 May 2008

28 May 2008


Select target paragraph3