

functions and performs in certain
key organisation and management
processes across the chapters and
at the Regional Secretariat as one
corporate family;
management both at Regional
Secretariat and Chapter level
capacity building of the MISA
governance structures to monitor
and evaluate key functions such
as financial management and


The key change that was agreed by the
Regional Governing Council in September
2008 entails that:
• All MISA programs and activities
should put MISA core values at
the centre of all programming and
governance processes; this means
MISA will have to live the values
it preaches and walk the talk with
chapters and other stakeholders;
any programming and governance
decision will have to be informed by
the extent to which such a decision



advances media freedom and freedom
of expression; this brings about a
decision making rule of thumb for
all management and governance
structures where decision making
will be based on the extent that any
decision will put more value, greater
expression and entrenchment of the
core values of media freedom and
freedom of expression.
MISA should completely re-oriented
MISA programming process to begin
reflecting on national priorities
making MISA highly relevant at
national level. All programs than
should being synchronized and
coordinated at regional level for
synergies and regional positioning of
MISA to be achieved.
It was also resolved that MISA
redefine the role and functions of the
RS to reflect focus on coordination,
quality assurance and compliance,
accountability and capacity building
of chapters; inevitably the major
change will be that the present RS
structure will need to be reconfigured
to take a holistic approach in

providing programme
support” to chapters.


The leadership of the change process will
rest with the RS management team and
the RGC who will articulate and agree on
the foregoing as the major change areas
to be focused on, the specific expected
changes and approve the action plan
to achieve the desired changes in the
remainder of SPP 2.
It was also resolved that all MISA
documents should be aligned and
A final draft of the Corporate Governance
Manual was released in November 2008
and this was presented to the board
at a meeting on November 9, 2008 in
Windhoek. The OD consultant has asked
the TFB to take position on key issues and
then such positions can be incorporated
into the corporate governance manual
as well as be effected formally as
amendments to the Education and
Production deed of trust where necessary,
the MISA Constitution or the operational

policies and procedures.

Third Strategic
Partnership Plan
MISA has commenced work on the
development of a new strategic plan
that is to be ushered in when its current
funding agreement with its basket
funding partners end in March 2010.
It is foreseen that the organisation
will re-focus its programming in line
with the priorities identified through
its membership, and in line with media
development needs as they have been
identified through monitoring of the
media freedom and freedom of expression
environment in SADC.

Management System
In 2008-2009 the regional secretariat
implemented and streamlined its


Select target paragraph3