prioritisation of activities at country level.

performance management system. That
process will be rolled out in MISA chapters
during 2009-2010. This is in line with
key recommendations from previous
organisational reviews and particularly
the organisational development process.
More importantly the organisational
development process lends itself to the
need for revamping MISA’s governance and
reporting structures. It is foreseen that
this process will be completed in 20092010 financial year.
MISA has further identified the need for
improved monitoring, evaluation and
reporting mechanisms. Incorporation of
the African Media Barometer (AMB) as a
monitoring and evaluation tool is key to
this strategy. The AMB is an assessment
tool of national media environments. In
terms of MISA’s own programming, this
tool comprehensively assesses media
environments across the organisation’s
own internal programme spectrum. In
addition, this tool incorporates both
media and civil society views on media
development and as such provides the
organisation with clear guidelines for


Select target paragraph3