The launch of the European Union joining
the MISA Basket fund partners and the
launch of the book Women Journalists in
Namibia’s Liberation Struggle (1985-1990)
by the Regional secretariat helped in the
coverage of MISA in Namibia. Each of the
chapters also held launches of various
publications and events which helped in
increasing the organisations’ visibility
and helped to keep media freedom and
freedom of expression issues on the public
agenda. The events were covered on all
the major radio stations, television station
and major newspapers in the region.

Both the regional secretariat and chapters
produced other materials which would
help improving the visibility of MISA and
the various events that were taking place.
These included pop up banners for
different occasions, folders for the AGM
and other meetings, campaign t- shirts,
pens, CDs on various issues including
the RTI and women’s coverage during the
Zimbabwe elections.
A lot of press releases and communiqués
have been sent out by MISA both at
regional and national levels (see details
under programme b). To track and monitor
the coverage that MISA is getting on these
issues and the use of the organisation as
a source on issues of media freedom and
freedom of expression, media coverage
tracking system called Meltwater has
been put in place. Over the past year
MISA was covered over 500 times in the
local and international press and this
coverage generally reflected the alerts,
activities, events, press statements, and
communiqué’s that the organisation has
been sending out on various issues.

MISA Zambia also continued to sponsor
the Face the Media program which is
broadcast on community radios and the
Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation
(ZNBC). This programme brings key policy
makers to answer questions from the
public on various. All MISA Chapters have
produced number of [posters on different
themes as well as posters and magazines.
These include as an example MISAZimbabwe word Press Freedom Day posters
and T shirts, MISA-Tanzania media, access
to information and anti-corruption posters


and T shirts.

Implementation and
MISA is monitored by the Executive
Committee (EC) of the Regional Governing
Council (RGC). Periodical reports on
operations of the regional secretariat
are presented to the RGC. The regional
director hosts meetings of the EC and RGC
and reports periodically on national and
regional project implementation.
MISA regional programme staff perform
monitoring and evaluation as part of
their work. MISA has sixth-month and
annual internal evaluation reports and
an 18-month external evaluation cycle.
Regional secretariat staff is increasing
their monitoring of national chapters,
whilst at the same time providing muchneeded programme and technical support.
MISA boards, both national and
regional, play a key monitoring
function of governance, operational

and programmatic work within the
organisation. In addition, feedback from
journalists who have received support
is that there is need to do more to
challenge repressive laws in countries
such as Tanzania. Increased legal support
has also been an issue that beneficiaries
have raised. Others such as the Namibian
government have requested MISA to carry
out training for its national broadcaster.
MISA undertakes the following activities
as part of its programme management
and corporate governance:
• Weekly staff meetings, bi-weekly
teleconferencing, field visits and
mission reports
• TFB meetings
• Quarterly NGC meetings to review
Chapter programme services and
financial reports
• Audited financial statements
• AGM, national, and regional planning
• Pre- and post-baseline surveys
before campaigns or project
• Monthly, half year and annual reports


Select target paragraph3