was later identified as Harrison. On
the 2nd July 2011, the Citizen reported
that, the incident occurred after the
photojournalist took photos of security
personnel who had arrested an unknown
man for allegedly breaking a toy.

defamatory statements against him.
In addition, the newspaper is required
to publish an apology on the first and
second pages of the same newspaper in
words that Masilingi will be comfortable
with before they are published.



Date: July 12, 2011
Person/ institution: Sharifa Kalokola,
The Citizen
Violation/ issue: Other
A journalist with The Citizen, Sharifa
Kalokola, has won recognition for health
reporting during the Siemens Africa
Profile Awards held recently in Doha,
Qatar. On the 10th July 2011, The Citizen
reported that, she got a merit award for
her article entitled “Abortion pills sold
over the counter” during the annual
event to honor journalists who excel in
the field of science and health reporting.


Date: December 17, 2011
Person/ institution: Absalom
Violation/ issue: Detained
The Police on Friday questioned the
Managing Editor of a Swahili daily
Newspaper, Tanzania Daima, Absalom
Kibanda, over an opinion article recently
published by the paper.
Kibanda, who is also a Chairman of the
Tanzania Editors Forum, was questioned
on Friday December 16, 2011 for over
three hours at police headquarters in
Dar es Salaam over the article, which the
police claimed was “seditious”.

Date: November 17, 2011
Person/ institution: Prince Bagenda,
Violation/ issue: Sentenced
The High Court of Tanzania has resolved
the case involving Former Minister for
Good Governance, Wilson Masilingi and
the local Swahiili newspaper, RAI and its
columnist, Prince Bagenda. The ruling
followed a defamation case that was filed
by Masilingi claiming that the writer and
the newspaper published a defamatory
statement in its edition of 2 August
2005. The court has the newspaper and
Bagenda to pay Masilingi the some of
Tshs 15 million (about 9000 USD) as
damages for publishing malicious and

So This is Democracy • 2011


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