
rior de 10,000 kilómetros concebido para
facilitar a conectividade do ICT a nivel do
distrito no pais, mesmo para ligar paises
vizinhos cercados de terras sem acesso
ao mar. A rede poderá tratar das necessidades de raiz do ICT (a nivel das aldeias).
Também promoverá a participação dos
cidadãos na busca de informaçoes e disseminação especialmente nos casos de
e-ducação, e-saúde, e-negócios, e-agricultura e e-governo.

Durante as últimas duas décadas,
Tanzânia testemunhou progressos significantes na mídia. As recentes realizações em radiodifusão digital e desenvolvimentos de infra-estruturas em ICT
e telecomunicaçoes são um aumento a
estes desenvolvimentos.
Porém, o desejo político parece ser
um retrocesso ao progresso suave destas iniciativas. A menos que os socios se
comprometam na realização do que eles
começaram, a aclamada mídia na Tanzânia enfrenta decepção em 2012.


Date: May 9, 2011
Person/ institution: Media
Violation/ issue: Other
The former Chief Justice, Augustino
Ramadhani has urged media fraternity to
lobby for inclusion of media freedom in
the new Constitution. He elaborated on
the meaning of Article 18 of Tanzanian
Constitution when he was giving a key
note address to media fraternity and
other invitees on the occasion of World
Press Freedom Day celebration organized
by MISA-Tanzania on 3 May 2011.


Date: June 15, 2011
Person/ institution: Damas
Kanyabwoya and Daniel Mbega
Violation/ issue: Victory
Two journalists of the Mwananchi
Communications Limited have been
selected for the 2011 Tanzania Media
Fund Fellowship (TMF). The Citizen acting
Business Editor, Damas Kanyabwoya, and
Mwanaspoti’s sub-editor, Daniel Mbega,
were named among six journalists
selected countrywide to participate in
the only fellowship programme in the


Date: July 4, 2011
Person/ institution: Fidelis Felix,
Mwananchi Communications Ltd
Violation/ issue: Beaten
A photojournalist, Fidelis Felix was on 1
July 2011, attacked by a police officer
whilst on duty at the Sabasaba grounds
in Dar es Salaam. He was attacked by
a police officer in civilian clothes who


So This is Democracy • 2011

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