Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.7 (2013 = 3.4; 2010 = 3.6)

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt.
Integrity is very rarely to be found amongst Togolese journalists. According to
the panel, some journalists even go so far as to ask company directors for money
before they will write an article. Others write flattering articles before going to
exchange them for money.
Media coverage is systematically paid for. In fact it is even called the ‘final press
release’ in reference to the money that event organisers have to give to journalists.
Some journalists violently demand the payment of this sum as they feel they are
entitled to it. Many journalists, called “rogue journalists” roam about and hang
around hotels watching for events to which they have not even been invited. By
doing the round of events, some of them can make up to CFA francs 25,000
(USD 50) per day, via their “final press releases”. According to the panel, this
deplorable situation leads editors to ask their reporters for discounts in order to
publish or broadcast their information.
Event organisers, including civil society, play the game by paying journalists who
cover their activities. If an event organiser refuses to pay, it is extremely unlikely
that his activities will be broadcast or published. Organisers provide transport to
television crews at their own expense. After certain radio or television broadcasts,
participants sometimes give money to the presenters, which according to the
panel, is the price for their invitation.
Nana FM radio station used to forbid its journalists to accept money from event



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