A panel member explains that the average salary of a junior reporter is CFA francs
5,000 (USD 10) per completed issue (Publication). The Chief Editor earns CFA
francs 75,000 (USD 150) per month. The paste-up artist is paid CFA francs 50,000
(USD 100) and the distributor is paid CFA francs 40,000 (USD 80). Wages are paid
on a regular basis but journalists have no social insurance cover. It is their own
responsibility to take out an accident insurance policy. However, there is a new
tendency on the part of media owners to gradually register their employees with
the Social Security services. In rural or community radio stations, there are cases
where at least 5 journalists have joined the National Social Security Fund.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.3 (2013 = 1.3; 2010 = 1.4)

4.4 Journalists and other media practitioners are organised in trade unions and/or professional associations, which effectively represent their interests.
There are also a number of associations and trade unions for journalists in Togo.
The panel says that there are three trade unions in the public sector and two
in the private sector. More particularly, the Union of Independent Journalists of
Togo (UJIT) and the Syndicat libre de la communication (Synlico). The Union of
Independent Journalists of Togo (UJIT) is the only organisation which is a member
of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). Unions and associations are
generally very supportive of each other and manage to defend the cause of their
members, even if there is suspected connivance with the authorities. However,
their resources are limited. Members do not pay their contributions although the
annual contribution to an organisation like the UJIT, only amounts to CFA francs
500 (USD 1).



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