Political information is, in actual fact, quite partisan and show clear imbalances
that resemble manipulation. This applies to the way information is prioritised as
much as to the angle of a story.
The opposition’s points of views are, if not withheld, deliberately obscured.
This kind of coverage also applies to reports on the occasion of certain official
events (for example, inauguration ceremonies) where positive aspects are
deliberately stressed.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.2 (2006= 1.3, 2008 = 1.6, 2010 = 1.6)

3.11 The state/public broadcaster offers as much diverse
and creative local content as economically achievable.
Legislation in Madagascar does not include any requirements regarding the
percentage of local content in programming.
Meanwhile, such provision would be included in the Communication Code,
which is in the process of being adopted.
In fact, national radio programmes are structured in such a way that they take
into account local content. For example in the first half of the morning until 9
o’clock the show Fivoy pagaie deals with the economic realities the country is
faced with and after that, until noon, follows a time slot dedicated to the young
and sport with news and information from the entire country.
National television also offers fairly diverse content through shows such as
Sosoamaraina. It is, however, topped by national radio, which presents more local
content, often with shows created as part of a project.



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