Similarly, there has been an increase in regional news in the allocated time slot.
Political talk shows such as Mandrosoaô! or civic education shows like Fantatro
have also seen their position consolidated alongside Wednesday afternoons,
reserved for children.
National radio certainly attempts to satisfy its listeners but their expectations as
well as their broadcast range being different from one area to another, in the
city or bush, makes it virtually impossible to reach this objective. Their specific
needs, occurring all at the same time, make programming a bit difficult given the
different expectations of the cities and the interior of the country

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.3 (2006= 3.3 ; 2008 = 3.0, 2010 = 3.8)

3.10 The state/public broadcaster offers balanced and
fair information in news and current affairs, reflecting
the full spectrum of diverse views and opinions.
It is true that by virtue of article 36 of Ordinance N°92-039 from 14th September
1992 “the government can, at any given moment, by means of public service
companies, air and transmit, by radio or television, all the declarations or
communications it deems necessary,” though they are subject to comment and
There is, in fact, a problem regarding the treatment of political information
by the public broadcaster. Albeit the fact that article 31 of that same Order,
which authorises the set-up of private broadcasters indicates in paragraph 2
that “respecting honesty and pluralism of information in its programmes, the
authorisation sets particular rules applicable to media houses.”
This formulation is fairly broad and on top of that refers to the decision of
authorisation in order to lay down the rules applying to private broadcasting
companies. It is not explicit, with regards the diversity of opinions for the state



Select target paragraph3