undergrads to come in (to media houses), and we should use this to see what
kind of gaps exist in the universities” in terms of their training of journalists.
The United Media Consultants and Trainers (UMCAT) School for Journalism
and Communication, provides short courses (e.g. in creative writing, radio and
television production, video journalism and photo journalism), diploma courses
(e.g. in journalism and mass communications, film and television production)
and certificate courses (e.g. in basic principles of journalism, filing and television
These educational offerings, especially the mainstream universities, are well
recognised for their programmes. “You can definitely see the difference between
those that have studied and those who haven’t. When you take staff for training,
even for short courses with donors, you definitely see the difference.”
For the upgrading of skills, the African Centre for Media Excellence (ACME), offers
some professional development courses, and has become increasingly efficient
with its offerings. “ACME’s course content has changed over the years. It used to
conduct its training with assistance of the Reuters Foundation, but they have seen
that it is more efficient for ACME to do its own training. The sessions are designed
to help working journalists to upgrade their skills.” Some universities also offer
evening and weekend programmes to cater for working journalists.
While continuous professional development is important, it is a challenge for
practising journalists to work and take courses at the same time. “From a practice
point of view, it’s a struggle to deal with courses and the work.” Some media
houses “provide flexi time for journalists who are studying, but this can be
difficult on a practical level.”
“A sandwiched arrangement is more helpful so that you’re completely away for
training for weeks at a time.”
“At UBC, it is important to upgrade your skills to get a promotion; so many staff
do it on a personal level. Some do get loans, and some self-fund. UBC also offers
specialised trainings with various donors, such as (the) BBC, (as well as) Deutsche
Welle, and has an in-house training department.”
“New Vision has a strong in-house training programme for journalists specific to
Broadcast journalists – e.g. at Radio Unity – have also benefitted from training
received though the BBC’s training of trainer’s initiatives.



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