Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.5 (2012 = 3.3; 2010 = 2.5; 2007 = 3.7)

4.8 Equal opportunities regardless of race or ethnicity,
social group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and age
are promoted in media houses.
Although there are more women than men at entry level in the media, the
management level is dominated by men.
“Women I’ve spoken to who have left (a certain media house) in the past 2 years,
have cited issues such as unconventional working hours, the issue of low pay,
starting families, and so forth. Some felt that they were not being given the ‘hard
beat’, and for others, at university they studied PR, and were told that newsroom
experience would be a stepping stone, so they had only planned to go in briefly.
We need more female role models in the newsroom.”
“Conditions in the newsroom are rather hard, not that women can’t handle it,
but you’re only left with the crop that really want to make career of it.”
Although most media houses describe themselves as equal opportunity
employers, there are still discrepancies between men and women’s salaries for
the same work. “There is not equal pay, especially at the management level.” In
many cases (particularly in private media), new entrants have to negotiate their
salaries and/or their perks individually.
“When it comes to talking about equal pay, they talk about equal opportunity
and hide behind this. But when you look at it from a rights-based approach, you
would find that things are not completely equal beyond encouraging women to
Sexual harassment – whether in-house or external – is also a reality that may
determine women’s decisions to leave. “One woman said she was not going to
complain, but she was going to leave the newsroom. We have a policy in place,



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