3.4 The body’s decisions on licensing in particular are informed by a
broadcasting policy developed in a transparent and inclusive manner.

The NCA’s activities are informed by the Act establishing it, which is silent on
issues of broadcasting policies. There is no comprehensive broadcasting
legislation but only an array of pieces of legislation on broadcasting. There is no
broadcasting policy in place and the NCA’s activities are neither transparent nor

Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:


3.5 The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through a board
representative of society at large and selected in an independent, open and
transparent manner.


The selection of Board members of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation follows
a process of wide consultation. Members of the National Media Commission
submit nominations after consulting with their institutions and constituencies.
Assessments of the nominations are carried out – following criteria such as
regional and gender balance - and a short list is presented to the President of the
Republic in “consultations”. The President is then expected to submit his
comments to the NMC. In cases where the President has any objection or
reservation about nominations, he is expected within a specified period to
provide reasons for such reservations or objections. If after the set date no
responses have been received, the NMC goes ahead with the appointment
process. Consultation with the President is a constitutional requirement, but legal
circles are debating what such “consultation” really entails.

Select target paragraph3