3.2 The appointments procedure for members of the regulatory body is open and
transparent and involves civil society.

The appointment procedure for the NCA is not transparent and open. Although it
is supposed to be a technical body, the perception is that non-technical
considerations influence certain appointments

Individual scores:

1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:


3.3 The body regulates broadcasting in the public interest and ensures fairness
and a diversity of views broadly representing society at large.

NCA´s role is merely a technical one: to allocate frequencies, not to assess the
content of radio programmes before the granting of frequencies. On the one
hand, this is seen as positive with regard to the constitutional provision of no
licensing requirements being necessary for media organisations. On the other
hand and in the absence of a broadcasting policy, this can lead to a first-comefirst-served attitude and thus a sub-optimal overall structure of electronic media
within the limited frequencies technically available. There are cases where
potential radio operators are being prevented from starting operations due to
reasons not always transparent or understandable to others.

Individual scores:

2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2.

Average score:



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