Sector 3: Broadcasting regulation is transparent and independent, the state
broadcaster is transformed into a truly public broadcaster.

3.1 Broadcasting is regulated by an independent body adequately protected
against interference, particularly of a political and economic nature.


The National Communications Authority (NCA) and the National Media
Commission (NMC) are in charge of regulating broadcasting. The NCA grants
frequencies and thus makes the decision on whether an aspirant broadcaster will
be allowed to go on-air or not. The NMC is in charge of content standards only.
Thus, the panel agreed that the most relevant regulatory body in Ghana is the
The NCA is not independent as it is under the Ministry of Communications. Its
interest and attention are seen to be skewed in favour of the telecommunication
industry, allegedly due to the much higher level of fees payable by phone
companies. This leaves little attention for the mandate of broadcasting regulation.
In addition, the NCA seems to be giving preference to commercial radio stations,
of which there are some 130 on air, compared to only 4 community radio stations
(following the definition of the Community Radio Network).

Individual scores:

1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2

Average score:



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