2018 AMB
Positive developments highlighted in this AMB included the reluctance to move
ahead with the statutory Media Appeals Tribunal after self-regulation of the media
proved effective, the flourishing of investigative journalism, the proliferation of
social media, and the independence of the SABC Board. Negative developments
included shrinking media funding, job losses, and the proliferation of fake
news. Recommendations were to regulate aspects of media convergence under
one department and repeal criminal defamation law. The AMB also called for
strengthening the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to allow
for more effective monitoring and enforcement of broadcasting licence stipulations
and research into media sustainability.

2012 AMB
Positive developments highlighted in this AMB included the Media Council of
Tanzania’s facilitation of training for journalists, the media’s role in educating citizens
about the constitutional reform process, the establishment of Tanzania’s Editors
Forum, and the fact that the bills on Access to Information and Media Services
were in the process of becoming laws. Negative developments mentioned were that
the government’s actions were limiting freedom of expression and the harassment
of journalists. Recommendations included the resuscitation of the Tanzania
Union of Journalists, that pressure be exerted towards the passing of the Access
to Information and Media Services Bills into law, and that media must unite and
lobby for the inclusion of issues that affect the media in the new constitution. Also
recommended was a skills audit in the media sector and ensuring the enforcement
of the code of ethics.
2015 AMB
This AMB noted that social media was extending freedom of expression in Tanzania
and that digital broadcasting would boost accessibility by increasing viewer
numbers. Other positive developments included growth in vibrant investigative
journalism and heightened interest by citizens in the constitutional review process.
Nonetheless, the report also noted several negative developments, which included
excessive use of force towards the media by security officials, a lack of meaningful
consultation on new media-related legislation that could potentially suppress
freedom of expression, the suspension of newspapers for allegedly publishing



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