CHAPTER 5: SIGNIFICANT THEMES seditious articles, reduced funding for state media, increased interference by the state in the public broadcaster’s editorial content and delays in the constitutional review process. Recommendations included a campaign for journalists’ safety, a movement for draconian laws to be reformed, and the protection of internet rights and freedoms. 2019 AMB Positive developments highlighted in this AMB included an increase in media outlets, the expansion of social media, more training opportunities available, and organisations being more vibrant in defending the cause of the media and a free press. Negative developments mentioned the shrinking of political and media space, the introduction of repressive laws in 2015, and the use of professional bots and trolls to control free expression. The negative representation of women in the media and limited access to official sources were highlighted as emerging challenges. Recommendations included advocacy against repressive legislation, increased training on media safety and diversity, and reviving media trade unions. Togo 2013 AMB Positive developments of this AMB included more training for journalists and more opportunities for women in the media. Negative developments included attempts by authorities to control media content, failure of public authorities to honour their commitments, persecution of journalists who were regularly brought before the court, polarisation between journalists working for public media and those working for privately owned media, aggressive attitudes towards journalists by politicians, and poor working conditions and low salaries for journalists. Recommendations included a more critical civil society, increased state aid to the media, the development of a collective bargaining agreement, the transformation of state media into public service media, and improved relations between the media and security forces. 2017 AMB The 2017 AMB highlighted some positive developments, which included a less aggressive media, better management of newspapers, more respect for firstgeneration rights, improved rights in terms of access to information, the increased political will to comply with regional and international standards, less interference by 41 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER 11 YEARS IN REVIEW