television to existing community radio stations, the diversification of cultural
expressions in community radio, RTS’s introduction of regional television channels
and the setting up of television web channels. Negative developments included
the poor organisation of the advertising sector and distribution of advertising
revenue in the absence of a law governing the sector, lack of transparency in the
management and allocation of the frequency spectrum, poor governance of state
media, ineffective unions of journalists, and a Press Code that is characterised by
severe penalties for press offences. The AMB also noted poor governance in the
management and distribution of the assistance fund for the media; the absence
of a collective bargaining agreement; the impotence of the self-regulatory body,
CORED; lack of innovation in the media sector; and the absence of a law on access
to information. In addition, it highlighted the persistence of biased reporting in the
media; and the granting of community radio station frequencies to politicians.
Recommendations included reforms in the advertising sector; fast-tracking the
implementation of the Press Code, which was adopted in 2017; enhancing advocacy
for good broadcast spectrum frequency management; supporting broadcasting
media in the transition to digital broadcasting; re-initiating advocacy for the good
governance of public service media and advocacy for the passing of an Access to
Information Act as well as launching and disseminating the 2018 AMB.

South Africa
2013 AMB
Positive developments in this AMB included revising the Press Council and Press Code
after an extensive consultation process, launching Africa Check (a donor-funded
facility aimed at promoting accuracy in the news), the entrance of the Daily Maverick
onto the media market, and the growth of online journalism, and the approval of
new broadcasting licences for community radio stations. In addition, the increased
usage of social media, which improved citizen participation, was commended.
However, the same period was noted for the devastating closure of magazines,
the passing of the Protection of State Information Bill in 2013, persistent problems
at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), political hostility towards
media, and widespread job losses. Recommendations included revising broadcasting
regulations, transforming the SABC into a public broadcaster, organising journalists
under an effective trade union, and campaigning against the Secrecy Bill.



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