In general, these standards are respected. Some media organisations obey the
demands for accuracy and impartiality, others a bit less, and some not at all. The
criticism formulated by public authorities and certain bodies such as the magistrate’s
office in particular, is that readers’ and listeners/viewers’ right to respond is not
always respected and that this constitutes a breach of the rules of professional
Individual scores:

4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3

Average score:



The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and cultures, including
business/ economics, cultural, local and investigative stories.

These broad areas and more specialised topics are being covered to various degrees
and depending on the profile of each particular media organisation and the
listener/viewer- or readership to be served.

Individual score:

4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3

Average score:


Gender mainstreaming is promoted in terms of equal participation of both
sexes in the production process.
The situation is different among the various media outlets. There are more and more
women in technical jobs and some also hold top posts such as station director or
editor-in-chief. On average 30% of editorial staff are women. There are more women
working in radio stations and television channels than in newspaper houses.

Individual scores:

3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 3

Average score:



Gender mainstreaming is reflected in the editorial content.


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