Sector 4: The media practice high levels of professional standards.


The media follow voluntary codes of professional standards which are
enforced by self-regulatory bodies.

Two codes of conduct co-exist currently.
The first has been drawn up by the “Order of Journalists” (Ordre de Journalistes)
according to the provisions of law no. 90-031 on communication. It is supposed to be
legally binding on all members of the profession. Only few journalists know about the
existence of this code whose text has also been ignored by the media owners who
were not involved in its elaboration.
The second has recently been initiated by media practitioners in collaboration with
Ouest-Fraternité (an association created by the employees of the French paper
Ouest-France with the objective to make the know-how of employees of the group
available to papers in developing countries) and put in place after a workshop that
brought together magistrates and journalists. Following this encounter where criticism
was voiced regarding the performance of the press and the threats it faces, the
Association of News Editors of Madagascar (Groupement des Editeurs de presse
d’Information de Madagascar (GEPIM)) found it necessary to provide the profession
with a code of conduct. Originally meant only for the press, this text became the
Media Charter and private television channels now also adhere to it. The Charter
stipulates that each media organisation will define the provisions for its own internal
In fact these two codes are not contradictory since they are both inspired by the
Charter of Munich of 1971.
In practice, each media organisation is self-regulatory without having recourse to the
Order of Journalists. Its disciplinary committee only convened once in order to
pronounce on the case of a fellow who had been called to order. No other disciplinary
measures - such as warnings or withdrawals of the press card for a certain period have ever been taken. Even though the Order of Journalists is entitled to intervene in
all matters relating to the press, it has never made use of this right.
Madagascar is one of the few countries in the world to have a professional body for
Individual scores:

2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3

Average score:



The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and fairness.


Select target paragraph3