struggles to
be effective,
while the
Editors Forum
struggles to be

chapter of Gender and Media Southern Africa (GEMSA); the
Swaziland Editors Forum; and MISA-Swaziland.
Some panellists felt the media itself is divided. “The trouble is
journalists don’t take an interest in issues affecting them, therefore
SNAJ struggles to be effective, while the Editors Forum struggles to
be consistent.” Others felt media owners are compromised. “There are
people in civil society who say things are fine as they are; even media
owners, because they are benefiting from the status quo. Those of us
inside the media have a lot of concern about what is happening, but
we are not taken seriously. Our employers divide and rule us. SNAJ
at one point was a very strong lobby group, but they were crushed.”

One panellist felt uncomfortable with the decision of media editors to meet
regularly with the King. “If the King says ‘don’t write this’, they have to do his will.
Therefore, it’s wrong for editors to go there in the first place. It’s not an order. They
haven’t been invited. It’s the editors’ initiative.” Defending the editors, another
panellist said: “The King needs to be told what is happening directly. The King has
taken an interest in the media. When you explain how we operate, he understands
… It’s not that we want to be friendly with him.”
Other sections of civil society have decided it is not worth engaging with the
King in this way because “the King’s word is law”. “Once he pronounces that’s the
end of the matter. That’s the danger.” Countered another panellist: “Isn’t it worth
taking the risk of that in the hope of getting your point across? Unless we take the
risks, nothing will change.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



2.2 (2009: 2.2; 2007: 2.3; 2005: 2.1)

Select target paragraph3