page, has been suspended by the Health Professionals Council of Zambia
Two weeks ago, Mwansa Chalwe, caused an uproar, with some sections of society
demanding that he must be identified, arrested and fired for breaching
confidentiality ethics when he took photographs of people living with HIV seeking
health treatment at the facility he works for and posted on Facebook.
Mr. Chalwe circulated on his Facebook wall photographs of people getting
ARV‟s with a caption “new and better ARV‟s in government institution #ART
clinic at least I only have 145 clients today.”
On 15th November, the Gender Minister condemned the social media video of a man harassing
his wife for allegedly committing adultery.
Minister of Gender Elizabeth Phiri said Gender Based Violence is a violation of
human rights which should not be condoned irrespective of the offence committed
and the relationship of the parties.
In a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today by the ministry‟s Media
Liaison Officer Mwape Mwenya, the Minister has also condemned people who are
in the habit of taking pictures and recording similar instances rather than helping
vulnerable victims who are unable to defend themselves.
Mrs Phiri has urged the police to take necessary action against the perpetrator as
there are better channels to air grievances than resorting to violence and
breaking the law with impunity.
4.3 Review of Burning Issues
4.3.0. Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)
Despite the national coverage ZNBC has, some places in the country don‟t access the national
broadcaster signal. On 3rd October, the Zambia Daily Mail reported that residents of
Mwansabombwe district were unable to listen to ZNBC due to lack of signal in the area24.

Zambia Daily Mail – Mwansabombwe Residents Want ZNBC Radio – 3rd October, 2018


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