Mwansabombwe District Commissioner Victor Kasuba has bemoaned the lack
of Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) signal in the area.
Mr. Kasuba said yesterday in an interview that the local people only access
information on radio stations from neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo
In the quarter under review, information surrounding the state of the national broadcaster
emerged as to whether it was sold or not. On 19th October, The Mast25 published an article
indicating that ZNBC and Startimes had merged. According to the terms of the merger, which
the Consumer Competition Protection Commission (CCPC) confirmed, the merger is ending
after the $270 million loan government contracted to facilitate the completion of the Digital
Migration process is completely paid back.
“The merger will be relinquished when the $270 million is paid back to Hantex
Corporation, a loan government got to facilitate the digital migration process,”
the article read in part.
Despite such revelations, government maintained that ZNBC had not been sold. On 26th October,
the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya explained that ZNBC had not
been sold, adding that its sale is subject to parliament approval26. Ms. Siliya said the heightened
campaign of misinformation on the sale of ZNBC is mere propaganda.
“ZNBC is a public broadcaster and will remain a public institution without
merging or being taken over by any private company. It can only opt to enter into
an agreement with any media institution for business purposes,” she said
Seemingly contrary to the statement made by CCPC that ZNBC was merging with Star Times,
Lusaka Times27 on the same day also published the Minister‟s statement headlined „It‟s
impossible for any other institution to have shares in ZNBC, Dora Siliya tells Parliament.‟


The Mast – ZNBC, STARTIMES” HANTEX MERGE – 19th October, 2018
Zambia Daily Mail – ZNBC Sale Subject to Parley Approval – Siliya – 26th October, 2018
Lusaka Times – It‟s impossible for any other institution to have shares in ZNBC, Dora Siliya tells Parliament –
26th October, 2018


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