4.2.3 Freedom of Expression Online - Cyber Space
Freedom of expression online continued raising concerns in the last quarter of 2018. An issue
which was of particular concern was the content being shared on social media. It was observed
from the reports published that the public is also abusing social media. However, it was also
observed that the online space has attracted increased monitoring by government.
For instance, on 16th October, the online news platform Mwebantu22 reported that Zambia was
among the 45 countries using spyware software from Israel in order to monitor some citizens‟
internet and phone usage.
Internet and phone usage continued being monitored by government.
PEGASUS spyware which is often used against the opposition, journalists and
human rights activists has been found in Zambia.
Pegasus is a notorious spyware program sold only to governments.
The malware, known as Pegasus, was created by Israeli cyber-security firm NSO
and has been around for at least three years, when it was first detailed in a
report over the summer of 2016.
In a report titled „Hide and Seek‟ which was released on Monday, Citizen Lab —
a Canada based internet watchdog — identified 45 countries in which infected
devices have been traced, after scanning the internet for servers associated with
Pegasus spyware.
Two instances of abuse and violation of the freedom of expression online were recorded in the
period under review. On 14th February, The Daily Nation23 reported that clinical officer was
suspended for posting a picture on Facebook of patients who were attending ART session.
The clinical officer, who photographed and circulated pictures of people living
with HIV attending Anti Retro Viral Treatment (ART) session on his Facebook


Mwebantu – Zambian phones targeted by Israeli made notorious spyware program that is sold only to

governments – 16th October, 2018

Daily Nation – Clinical Officer Suspended over Facebook Post – 14th November, 2018


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