Access to the internet is still limited due to structural problems such as
electriication, the quality of energy, connectivity and content quality.
Regarding mobile telecommunication, there are currently two operators in the
country, with an estimated 6 million customers. A third operator has been granted
a license, and plans to start operations at the end of 2011. However, the apparently
high number of customers does not necessarily mean that the mobile telephone
service is widely available in the country. Most customers use a prepaid service,
and utilise their cell phones mainly for sending short messages (SMSs).

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.9 (2005 = 2.2; 2007 = 2.5; 2009 = 2.6)

Citizens’ access to domestic and international
media sources is not restricted by state authorities.
One of the factors determining the level of access to information sources is cost
structure. In 2010, for example, in addition to transport costs and the airport fee,
non-intrusive scanning known as Kudumba, the name of the company operating
the system, introduced a security fee for newspapers. Beira city airport also charges
a fee for the collection of newspapers. here are accessibility and sustainability
issues for newspapers that warrant serious consideration. One is the cover price of
publications, which remains the same from the North to the South of the country.
his means that the additional cost of transport and airport fees to regions far
from Maputo are borne by readers in the capital.
Another issue that is considered a restrictive factor concerns access to public
advertising that would be an indirect way for the State to contribute to the
sustainability of media houses. he private media complain that virtually all
advertisements by public entities and commercial banks go to the Noticias
newspaper. his is considered discriminatory and should be corrected. Participants
noted that newspaper companies must ind ways of addressing these issues with



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