The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.
A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet, mobile phones) is accessible
and affordable to citizens.
Mozambique’s media access landscape is uneven. On the one hand there is
broadcasting (radio and TV) and the print media.
here is widespread access to radio as the public radio signal covers 70% to 90%
of the country’s population. According the 2007 population census, 43% of
Mozambican households have a radio or a television set. However, rural poverty
indices are still very high and threaten to further reduce access to radio, due to loss
of purchasing power for radio batteries.
he picture for TV is totally diferent, with population coverage limited to the
main urban centres and some district capitals. his is due mainly to lack of
electricity and the cost of television sets. In addition, the public television signal
has a very limited range. Again according to the 2007 census, only 467 537 homes
throughout the whole country had a television set that year out of an estimated
total of 3.7 million households.
In terms of print media, access is still limited mainly to large urban centres. he
distribution of newspapers is not very widespread and the cost of a newspaper has
risen in recent years. A weekly newspaper costs 30.00 Meticais (roughly US$1.00)
– an expensive option for a civil servant earning a minimum salary of 2 750.00
Meticais (US$ 92).
here is concern that access to a radio and TV signal for the majority of the
Mozambican population will become more diicult with the technological
migration process due for completion in 2015. Decoders for digital TV sets are
very expensive for most of the Mozambican population. At the time of this report,
a TV decoder cost US$80.00 and one for a radio cost US$120.00. Even worse,
with only four years to go before the technological migration process is complete,
the Mozambican government has not yet told the public how it will ensure that
technological migration does not block citizens’ constitutionally guaranteed right
of access to information.



Select target paragraph3