Print publications are not required to obtain
permission to publish from government authorities as
a condition for exercising their activities.
he print media in Mozambique does not need the government’s permission
to exercise its activities, but before publishing, all media must register with the
Information Oice (Gabinete de Informação - GABINFO) under Article 19
of the Press Law. his is, however, purely an administrative act. GABINFO is a
technical unit under the Prime Minister’s Oice, and has no powers to prevent
the launch or circulation of any publication, as long as it complies with all legal
registration requirements.
According to the Press Law, registration is processed within 30 days of receipt of
the complete declaration containing the following information:
a) he title;
b) he date and price per issue;
c) Number of the issue;
d) Full identity of the owner, editor and director of the publication;
e) he address of the editorial oice and the administration;
f ) he name and address of the printer;
g) Frequency;
h) Print run
i) Registration number.
Registration is valid for two years and is automatically renewable. he law also
determines that refusal to register must be communicated in writing, with an
explanation of the reasons for refusal. Moreover, only a court decision can cancel
the registration.
GABINFO is also prohibited from suspending registration except, in the words
of paragraph 2 of Article 23, in cases “…of failure to comply with the law or lack
of veracity in the data contained in the declaration….” In such cases, GABINFO
must send the respective dossier to the Public Prosecutor, the state entity that
takes the legal action that will result in cancellation of the registration.



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