In the case of defamation, the range of entities protected as State entities
extends beyond secretary generals of political parties to include “bodies
exercising public authority” - a broad and ambiguous reference. In these
cases, ofenders can be punished with three months to two years in prison
and a corresponding ine.

Law 12/79 of 12 December (Law on State Secrecy), establishes the legal
system for protecting State secrecy. It was introduced in a revolutionary
environment that followed 16 years of armed conlict (1976-1992), and
is still in force today. Article 1 of this law protects State secrecy, which
includes all documents containing classiied facts and information.
Article 4 of the law deines “classiied documents” as follows:
Classiied documents are “those containing military, political, economic,
commercial, scientiic, technical or any other data or information, the
disclosure of which jeopardizes, undermines, contradicts or disturbs the
security of the State and the people, or the country’s economy”.


Law 18/91, of 10 August (Press Law): In Article 29, the Press Law blocks
access to sources of information in cases involving the secrecy of justice
or facts considered military or State secrets. hree problems emerge from
this Article: he irst concerns the vague list of the diferent categories of
limits (secrecy of justice, military secrecy and State secrecy). he second
is the absence of any deinition of these categories, and the third and
possibly the most serious, is the failure to appoint an institution as the
authority that classiies information as being a military secret or a State
secret. his power is left in the hands of undeined “competent entities”.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.9 (2005 = 3.3; 2007 = 1.9; 2009 = 2.9)



Select target paragraph3