more to institutional practices than to the unfounded fears of individual media
In addition, participants reairmed the indings of previous rounds of the AMB,
on regional diferences in the exercise of freedom of expression. hey reiterated
that freedom of expression decreases the further one goes from the country’s main
urban centresi.e. Maputo, Beira and Nampula. Citizens’ close physical proximity
to local authorities, in contrast to the distance that permits anonymity in large
cities, diminishes the practice of freedom of expression. Participants cited as an
example, the case of presidential visits to the districts. It is during these visits
that people usually complain about abuse by local State representatives. hey only
reach the Head of State because people are afraid to express their opinions to local

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.6 (2005 = 3.0; 2007 = 2.9; 2009 = 3.0)

There are no laws or parts of laws restricting
freedom of expression such as excessive oficial
secrets or libel acts, or laws that unreasonably
interfere with the responsibilities of media.
here are laws that restrict freedom of expression in Mozambique, including
provisions in the Penal and Civil Codes. hree laws in particular, all adopted
during the single party period and that also relects the conditions of a country at
war, are especially restrictive. hey are:


Law 19/91, of 18 August (Law on State Security). Under this law
(Article 22), the defamation of certain senior igures – i.e. President of the
Republic, Members of Parliament, senior judges and secretary generals of
political parties – is considered a crime against state security.


Select target paragraph3