As there is still no private inancial power in Mozambique’s broadcasting industry,
there is no danger of persons with inancial interests in broadcasting being
appointed to the Board of Directors of public broadcasters. However, because the
concept of conlict of interests appears irrelevant in Mozambique, people holding
public positions are not obliged to declare their interests.
Most participants were in agreement that more important than issues of legal
formality, in recent years there has been a growing tendency towards tighter
political control of the public sector media. his is relected in the sharp reduction
in the editorial independence that these sectors used to enjoy, and this situation is
cause for real concern.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.0 (2005 = 1.0; 2007 = 1.7; 2009 = 1.2)

The editorial independence of the state/public
broadcaster from political inluence is guaranteed by
law and practiced.
Both the Constitution of the Republic and the Press Law guarantee the editorial
independence of state/public broadcasting. Paragraph 5 of Article 48 of the
Constitution establishes that “the State guarantees the impartiality of the public
media, as well as the independence of journalists from Government, Management
and other political powers”.
In addition, paragraph 4 of Article 11 of the Press Law states that “public sector
information bodies fulil their obligations free of interference from any interest or
outside inluence that might compromise their independence, and in their work
they are guided by high technical and professional standards”. It is clear that these
guarantees should be more than suicient for public broadcasting to be able to
function in an environment of independence. However, this independence is rarely
put into practice. here is widespread perception of attempts by the Frelimo Party
and the government to excessively inluence the editorial policy of RM and TVM.



Select target paragraph3