Prime Minister with Council of Ministers approval) are the same as those applied
when appointing the Boards of other public companies such as Electricidade de
Moçambique, Aeroportos de Moçambique, etc. his means that membership on
the boards of public broadcasting companies is based on Law 17/91 (Law on Public
Companies), wherein Article 10 stipulates that the directors of public companies
are appointed and removed by the respective minister, and the Chairman of the
Board is appointed by the Council of Ministers. herefore, the way these bodies
are established conlicts with paragraph 5 of Article 48 of the Constitution of the
Republic, which establishes the principle of independence of public sector media.
For this reason, it is clear that the public broadcaster is not accountable to the
public but to the government.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.0 (2005 = 1.0; 2007 = 1.0; 2009 = 1.2)

Ofice bearers with the state and political
parties as well as those with a inancial interest
in the broadcasting industry are excluded from
possible membership on the board of the state/public
Although the Constitution of the Republic proclaims the principle of
independence of public sector media, the law regulating the appointment of board
members in the sector does not contain any clause excluding oice bearers with
the State, political party members or those with a inancial interest in the industry.
However, reality so far has shown that no holder of a senior State or political
party position has been appointed to these positions. his, however, does not mean
that there is no political interference in the two public broadcasting bodies. In
fact, the way in which board members are appointed and the inancing of these
bodies ensures a relationship of structural dependence between them and holders
of senior positions in the State and the party in power.



Select target paragraph3