able environment, but some believe that nothing is being done in
practice for politicians to freely express themselves. Direct support to the media, set at Two hundred million (200,000,000) CFA
francs, approximately 300,000 Euros, has remained unchanged over
the past 12 years. Although the number of media outlets is increasing exponentially and the government is not creating the conditions
for their development. Media support is a direct funding to media
outlets; there is no indirect support.
Individual scores: 				

4, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3.

Average score: 				

2.7 (2006=4.5)


Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional

Media outlets lack efficiency and professionalism as business entities. They operate in a make-shift manner and lack the necessary
human and financial resources. They are not real businesses because at their creation, the criteria for setting up a media company
were not adhered to and nothing was done thereafter to conform
to these. With the media support award criteria, efforts are being made towards professionalising the industry. Unfortunately the
award commission does not provide itself with the means to verify
the morality of requests presented by certain media companies.
Very few companies try to conform to the requirements of a truly
sustainable business.
Individual scores: 				

3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.

Average score: 				

2.4 (2006=2.4)

Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008



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