The constitutionality of these acts could be challenged but this can only be done
through an application to the House of Federation, the upper house of parliament,
which is composed of delegates from regional councils. The House would set up a
Council of Constitutional Enquiry to adjudicate such issues.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			


The right to freedom of expression is practised
and citizens, including journalists, are asserting their
rights without fear.
The two major events in the recent history of Ethiopia – the
overthrow of the dictatorial Derg regime in 1991 and the
violent aftermath of the elections in 2005 – seem to have
“If the reward
shaped the divergent stances of panellists with regard to
for expressing
freedom of expression. Some emphasised the democratic
progress made since 1991 and stressed that further
myself is jail, I
democratic change can only be achieved in stages in a country
would of course
like Ethiopia. Others argued that 2005 was the test of what
be afraid”
level of dissent would be tolerated and that opposition
would obviously not be allowed. They said that the culture
of fear which was broken in that year had surfaced again,
with people holding themselves back and saying “What is
the point”, “It is not my concern”, “Why should I get myself into this” etc. “If the
reward for expressing myself is jail, I would of course be afraid,” said one panellist,
sharing his experience when he was detained following the unrest in 2005. Such
trauma is still haunting many, especially younger Ethiopians in urban areas.
The fear of speaking openly depends on the kind of issues raised. People are
generally afraid to express their political opinions freely for fear of repercussions.
On other topics people tend to feel free to express their views, for example in



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