radio talk shows, as the likelihood of repercussions afterwards is minimal.
Criticism of the government is not welcome even if there are no apparent negative
consequences. It is difficult to have differences of opinion and be friends at the
same time. A notion of “Are you with me or are you against me?” is prevalent.
There is a culture of self-censorship amongst journalists, experts and academics in
the country. Older journalists are “moulded by experiences of the previous [Derg]
regime”, others by the experiences of 2005 - both tend to practise self-censorship
more often than not. Experts give their opinions only without having their names
quoted. Reports often refer to anonymous sources and there is
general unwillingness among the public to express their opinion
to the media for fear of penalties and other consequences like
losing their job. One journalist on the panel said: “I censure
“I censure
myself without any pressure. ”

myself without
any pressure.”

Although the political reason for not freely expressing opinions
outweighs other causes, social and cultural taboos are also
considered to be contributing factors. The fear of exercising the
right to freedom of expression emanates from “not knowing the
limits and responsibilities that come along with it.”
Some members of the panel felt that the ability to express one’s opinion freely
has improved tremendously compared to previous regimes, and they remain
optimistic that things will improve further in the “young democracy” under the
current administration.
The panel was united in acknowledging the presence of fear in expressing opinions
freely, but divided on whether there are real or more perceived reasons for such fear.
While some tended towards the latter, others felt the fear was being reinforced by
legal threats and official statements made by government officials.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			




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