Freedom of expression, including
freedom of the media, is effectively
protected and promoted.
Freedom of expression, including freedom
of the media, is guaranteed in the constitution and
supported by other pieces of legislation.
The 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia guarantees
freedom of expression under article 29:



Everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference.
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression without any interference.
This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and
ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in
the form of art, or through any media of his choice.
Freedom of the press and other mass media and freedom of artistic creativity
is guaranteed. Freedom of the press shall specifically include the following
(a) prohibition of any form of censorship;
(b) access to information of public interest.
In the interest of the free flow of information, ideas and opinions which
are essential to the functioning of a democratic order, the press shall, as an
institution, enjoy legal protection to ensure its operational independence and
its capacity to entertain diverse opinions.

While the constitution guarantees the freedom of expression and the media in
principle, it also contains a number of possible limitations in its article 29 (6):
… Legal limitations can be laid down in order to protect the well-being of
the youth, and the honour and reputation of individuals. Any propaganda
for war as well as the public expression of opinion intended to injure
human dignity shall be prohibited by law.
Some laws on the statute books could be used to limit the right to freedom of
expression in an unjustifiable manner. Two outstanding examples are the Anti
Terrorism Proclamation1 2009 or the Revised Criminal Code of 2004 (see
indicator 1.3 for details).

1 “Proclamation” in the legal context of Ethiopia means “Act”



Select target paragraph3