conference. Effort will be made in future to ensure that the publication is distributed at least two weeks before
the launch to make provision for any customs hitches.
The regional secretariat and national offices made good use of publicity avenues to ensure the greatest possible
coverage for the report. This activity, however, can still be improved upon.
9.5.2 Annual Report
The production of MISA’s annual report is coordinated by the Programme Manager: Media Freedom
Monitoring. In the 2003 report, for the first time, MISA moved away from country-based work reports and
presented its activities in line with the five programme areas of the MISA Strategic Plan. The 2003 Annual
Report is available in hard copy from the Regional Secretariat.
9.5.3 FreePress Magazine

April 2003

July 2003

MISA’s quarterly Freepress magazine remains a popular forum for debate on topical media issues. The
magazine has, since the beginning of 2002, undergone a definite change in terms of editorial policy, with an
overall agreement to maintain a theme-based approach in future editions of the magazine.
As an example, the April 2003 edition took an in-depth look at Access to Information legislation in the region ,
whilst the July 2003 edition focused on the deteriorating human rights situation in Zimbabwe. This particular
edition went further than media issues and looked at the land reform process, socio-economic developments and
their impact on human rights and the free flow of information
Freepress magazine was only published twice in 2003 as a result of staff turn-over at the secretariat and a lack
of capacity. It has since been decided that the frequency of the magazine will be reduced from 4 to 3 editions in
In all, the production of Freepress magazine is a consultative process fuelled by the constant need to improve
the quality of the magazine. MISA chapters are constantly encouraged to take advantage of the MISAWISE
section of the magazine to highlight chapter activities and nationaldevelopments.
Freepress magazine is distributed free of charge to MISA members, donor agencies and selected national,
regional and international freedom of expression and media freedom advocacy organisations.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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