9.3 Website Development
As part of its communications enhancement strategy, MISA has developed a dynamic, interactive, informative
and responsive website with the following features
- general information about MISA and its structure
- general information on freedom of expression and broader democratic and human rights issues with
links to full texts of relevant legislation;
- action alerts
- interactive advocacy forum
- MISA announcements and calendar of events
- Downloadable versions of MISA’s publications, research papers, reports and manuals
- Interactive pages relating to MISA’s National Chapters.

9.4 ICT Audit
With a view to optimize information and communications technology (ICT) within the region MISA carried out
an ICT audit.
The findings of the audit resulted in the standardization of computers, software and operating systems to make
communications among regional members and the secretariat easier. It also resulted in ICT training for
information officers.
The regional secretariat upgraded its ICT infrastructure by buying new computers and changing from App le
Macintosh to PCs, to be compatible with national secretariats which all use PCs.
MISA further made recommendations to chapters on the software upgrades and bought and distributed antivirus, web development and desktop publishing software, to enable all chapters produce and distribute
newsletters and website.
As a result, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho and Zambia have developed their websites while other chapters are
also in the process of developing theirs.

9.5 Publications
9.5.1 So This Is Democracy? State of media freedom in Southern Africa
The production of So This Is Democracy? is an annual activity which culminates with the launch of the state of
media freedom report, So This Is Democracy? each year. As in previous years this activity required major input
from national Information Officers to contract independent national authors who are able to conduct relevant
research to complete the articles.
So This Is Democracy? was launched on May 3 2004, World Press Freedom Day. The programme manager for
media freedom monitoring provided the relevant documentation (book and press releases). Unfortunately the
publication was delayed at customs in Zimbabwe and was therefore not available for the chapter’s media
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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