MISA Secretariat has to date not been able to formalise an online publishing system. It is of great importance
that this matter receives adequate attention, especially in the light of soaring printing costs and a need to make
resources/materials available online to a larger audience.
9.5.4 Media Law Handbook
To improve perceptions of representatives from legislative bodies and other key policy-makers, MISA, in
conjunction with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), is engaged in
the production of a media law handbook to consolidate the various media law audits completed during 2002 and
2003. Furthermore, this publication serves to highlight the repressive nature of some of the laws on the statute
books in our region. The publication will also highlight the usage of these laws to suppress media freedom and
violate journalists’ rights to practice their profession. The book is intended for launch in June 2004.
9.5.5 Media Directory
MISA commenced production of its media directory late in 2003. The next edition is nearing completion and
will be released at the end of June 2004.

9.6 Internal Communications
In order to encourage and optimize internal communication at the regional secretariat and national level, MISA
has downloaded and distributed a chat software to enable members chat among themselves and hold multiple
meetings at the same time, thereby reducing in telephone expenses.
It has also started carrying out networking of computers in countries where they not networked, starting with
Mozambique and South Africa.
MISA has also started developing standardized e-mail addresses in the region where everyone will have
misa.org. This has already been done in Botswana and South Africa.
MISA has also developed a draft communications policy which is currently under discussion and will be
presented to the RGC for consideration.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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