9.1 Objectives
he core objectives of MISA’s communication, dissemination and publications strategy is to galvanize
public support, expose MISA and its work and consolidate its corporate image, provide discussion
forums and information flows within specific MISA-related peer-groups and networks and optimize the
organisation’s information and communications technology within the SADC environment.


From the onset MISA realised that its structure and function requires a proficient communications and
information system to support its advocacy role in the region. The organisation is operational in eleven
countries in the region and as such, frequent interaction and effective exchange of information is cardinal to its
It is for this reason that certain measures have been taken to ensure effective, efficient and constant
communication within and among regional members. A number of activities were therefore undertaken in the
period under review to enhance MISA’s advocacy role and supplement the activities of the organisation’s five
main programme areas.
In implementing the set objectives, MISA has carried out a number of activities in this regard, both at regional
and chapter levels. During the period under review, MISA carried out the following Information
Communications Activities.

Website development
ICT audit

9.2 MISANET News Exchange
MISA carried out a review of the MISA News Exchange (MISANET) which was initially created to serve as a
communications network between media organizations throughout the region. The assessment revealed that
MISANET in its current state has outlived its usefulness and can no longer be relied upon as an effective tool
for news exchange.
MISANET being voluntary and member driven has encountered a decline in membership as technology
continues to develop making it easy for media organizations to access news directly from the news sources
other than wait for MISANET, which in most cases supply stale news.
Because of this development, MISA has slackened its expansion and has instead concentrated on Portuguese
speaking nations, who are still utilizing the service.
During the later part of the year, the Regional Manager for Communications & ICT was involved in the WSIS,
where he attended courses in handling ICT issues at international level. The first course was done in Geneva in
December 2003 and the second is due in Germany in July, 2004 and the third and last will end with the second
phase of the WSIS in Tunis. He also produced a number of articles which were distributed through MISANET.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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