Regional Programme Goal
Policy-makers, public opinion, partners, public service and community broadcasters in Southern Africa influenced
regarding the need for an open three-tier system of broadcast licensing comprising public, commercial and community
broadcasters and underpinned by the principles of editorial independence, diversity, and independent regulation
• Promotion of freedom of expression through condensed broadcast and telecommunication updates
• Encourage the establishment of centres and distribution for African films in Namibia
Regional Programme
• Create awareness and campaign for the transformation of state controlled broadcasters into public service broadcasters
• Remind broadcast journalists working for state controlled broadcasters of their responsibilities when covering elections
7. Create awareness and campaign for
7.1 Recruiting a MISA Representative,
• Office secured with telephone and
Angola is recovering from many years of
the reform of the Broadcasting sector in
7.2 Secure office space with telephone
internet connection
colonial and post -colonial civil wars.
and internet connection
• MISA representative in Angola
Though the air waves have been
7.3 Holding a one day workshop for
appointed in November 2003
liberalized and there exists a number of
media practitioners, politicians and
• One day workshop took place on
radio stations many of them linked with
March17, 2004
MPLA government it does not mean that
7.4 Introducing MISA Angola
• Radio Ecclesia has indicated
people have access to broadcast media.
representative to various embassy
readiness to allow MISA campaign
The National Radio of Angola is
and NGOs officials,
programmes beginning July 3, 2004.
government controlled and is used as a
7.5 Having discussion with Radio
propaganda tool for MPLA. This scenario
Ecclesia on the possibility of
calls for transformation of Radio Angola
introducing a one hour Phone-in
into a Public Service Broadcaster.
programme once a week.
8 Campaign for national broadcasters in
the SADC region to become Public
Service Broadcasters.
• Botswana
• Lesotho
• Malawi
• Mozambique
• Namibia
• South Africa
• Swaziland
• Zambia
• Zimbabwe

8.1 Identifying Members Of Parliament,
broadcasting regulators and senior
officers in various states to attend
the workshop
8.2 Secure resource persons
8.3 Preparing materials for the workshop
that are related to convergence and
regulation of broadcasting sector
and outlining guidelines for the
8.3. Logistics.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


The workshop took place in Pretoria
in July 2003
The workshop attracted MPS,
Broadcasting Regulators and senior
staff from National Broadcasters,
Provided an excellent opportunity to
lobby policymakers.


The broadcasting sector will continue to
be a subject of discussions and debates
for many years to come. An issue of
particularly concern is the political will of
SADC governments to effect change and
to disengage themselves from control of
the national broadcasters.

Select target paragraph3